How do I reference something with no date in APA (7th ed.)?


If there is information missing from your reference and you cannot find it, there are still ways to reference the information using the APA (7th ed.) format. This may occur most with webpages and websites.

NB: Do not use the copyright date from a webpage footer. 

No date:
If the date is unknown or cannot be determined use (n.d.)

For example:
In text:

Royal College of Nursing (n.d.)...
...(Royal College of Nursing, n.d.).

In the reference list:
Royal College of Nursing. (n.d.). Become a nurse.

Referencing multiple entries, with the same authors but no date
If the authors are the same, but the items don’t have a date, you need to write n.d. for no date, and add the lowercase letters as before, but this time you also need a hyphen before the letter e.g. (n.d.-a).

In the reference list
These appear alphabetically by title

Royal College of Nursing. (n.d.-a). Become a midwife.

Royal College of Nursing. (n.d.-b). Become a nurse.  

In text:

Royal College of Nursing (n.d.-a)... 
...(Royal College of Nursing, n.d.-a).


  • Last Updated Jun 07, 2024
  • Views 3636
  • Answered By Elen Davies

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