How do I reference multiple items with the same author and year in APA (7th ed.) style?


If you are referencing multiple items with the same authors and date, you reference alphabetically using the title of the item. You also need to add lowercase letters, in alphabetical order, to the date to distinguish the references, for example:

In text
Morse and Brown (2022a)… 
…(Morse & Brown, 2022a). 


Morse and Brown (2022b)…
…(Morse & Brown, 2022b) 

Remember that when you cite the reference in-text, you add the lowercase letter which corresponds to where the item appears in the reference list, so in this example, it could be that (Morse & Brown, 2022b) is mentioned in the text of the assignment before (Morse & Brown, 2022a).

In the reference list

Morse, H., & Brown, A. (2022a). The benefits, challenges and impacts of accessing social media group support for breastfeeding: A systematic review. Maternal & Child Nutrition, 18(4), Article e13399. 

Morse, H., & Brown, A. (2022b). Mothers’ experiences of using Facebook groups for local breastfeeding: Support results of an online survey exploring midwife moderation. PLoS Digital Health, 1(11), Article e0000144. 

Referencing multiple items, with the same authors but no date
If the authors are the same, but the items don’t have a date, you need to write n.d. for no date, and add the lowercase letters as before, but this time you also need a hyphen before the letter e.g. (n.d.-a).

In the reference list

Hywel Dda University Health Board. (n.d.-a). Falls risk assessment tool. 

Hywel Dda University Health Board. (n.d.-b). Pressure ulcer risk assessment: Waterlow

In text (First citation)

Hywel Dda University Health Board (HDUHB, n.d.-a)... 
...(Hywel Dda University Health Board (HDUHB), n.d.-a).

In text (Second and subsequent citations)

HDUHB (n.d.-a)... 
...(HDUHB, n.d.-a).


  • Last Updated Nov 28, 2024
  • Views 870
  • Answered By Elen Davies

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